5 Ways Small Businesses Can Save Money on Shipping

  • 2 min read


Shipping can be an expensive process for businesses, particularly for those that are small and newly established. Fortunately, there are ways that you can minimise your shipping expenses and save money.

1. Research Different Carriers

Different carriers have different rates, fees, and discounts. Taking the time to research different carriers, their prices, and whether they offer discounts will cut your shipping expenses greatly.

Alternatively, outsourcing to a third-party logistics company is another option for guaranteeing the best shipping rates. Although there may be greater upfront cost, most 3PL companies will have long-standing relationships with carriers and will therefore have access to lower rates and greater discounts. This will help save you money in the long-run.

2. Automate Your Shipping Processes

Automating your shipping processes as much as possible will save you time and money. It will also reduce the occurrence of human error and the amount of employees required to oversee orders and shipments.

3. Offer Free Shipping for a Minimum Expenditure

It is unrealistic for small businesses to offer free shipping on all orders. However, they should consider offering free shipping for minimum orders. Not only will this incentivise your customers, but it will also drive sales.

4. Encourage Sustainability

Implementing sustainable business shipping practices will not only save you money, but will also boost your business’ corporate social responsibility. Simply minimising packaging, reusing packaging from returned orders, and encouraging your customers to recycle their shipping materials will go a long way in improving your business’ reputation and decreasing its carbon footprint. You will also save money on packaging costs, so it’s a win-win for all.

5. Call ISS!

Last but not least, call ISS. Our team of experienced Customs Brokers and Shipping Specialists will help you cut shipping costs by determining the best way to pack and transport your goods and informing you of how you can avoid unnecessary expenses.

ISS also has long-standing and well-established relationships with carriers and transport providers around the world. This allows us to get the best rates and exclusive discounts and deals for our clients.

Contact the ISS team today to find out what we can do for you!

